Let's continue the journey, together

Inside The Stay Sober Club, we’ll provide the support, coaching and community you need to keep moving forward with your alcohol-free goals.

The Stay Sober Club will be your home-from-home as you grow into your sobriety. We’ll help you master what you’ve learned during the Getting Unstuck course so you can conquer your sober firsts and truly love life, alcohol free!

We all know sobriety isn’t a ‘one and done’ task on your to do list – and everyone’s journey is different – but one thing is certain: 

Alcohol-free living is a lot easier when you’re surrounded by powerful, sober women who are cheering you on, every step of the way…


"The course was life-changing for me but, like a seedling, this new lifestyle needs watering and feeding! Kate and her team are my MiracleGro! My new lifestyle is in its early stages; I need advice and tips for dealing with new situations that still arise so joining The Stay Sober Club was non-negotiable for my maintenance."


"No one can do this on their own, yet very few are doing it the way we are, guided by Kate's method and teaching. That, along with the support from all the members, is why I'm part of The Stay Sober Club. It is incredible and a miracle of modern technology that we are bound across oceans and time zones, and that we have this resource."

Here's what you'll get each month:

Group coaching

We have a variety of Zoom calls available each week, at different times and on different themes, so we can cater for your needs, no matter where you are on this journey. Bring your questions and queries to these calls so we can talk it through and keep you moving forward. You'll also get so much help and inspiration from listening to other members sharing their experiences.


Inside The Stay Sober Club we have a powerful, motivated and driven community of incredible women who are all focused on one thing: creating an amazing, alcohol-free life! You'll be able to benefit from the wisdom of other Getting Unstuck graduates who are anywhere from a few months to a few years ahead of you!


You'll receive one expert training session a month. In these videos, we dive deep into a topic that will help you thrive in sobriety and stay in the right mindset. As a new member, you have access to our entire archive of existing training videos, which covers topics from navigating alcohol-free holidays, dealing with your inner critic, learning to love yourself and much, much more!


If you loved the 'How She Did It' stories inside the Getting Unstuck course, just wait until you watch our Spotlight series. You’ll love these in-depth, monthly interviews with graduates from all around the world. As a new member, you have access to our entire archive of existing interviews - perfect for when you need some motivation!

Get started today!

£47 per month 

£35 per month (early bird discount)


"I am in the club because there is no other place like it on earth. Without this club, this community of incredibly supportive, interesting women, I simply would not be sober. I certainly would not be enjoying it!! Every single member of this community is valued and this is a place where self-worth, connection and the joy of life is fostered and celebrated all the time."


"The habits I have developed from The Sober School have been in place for a small fraction of the years I lived in my previous boozy world. Reinforcement helps to keep those new habits in place. Plus it is so reassuring to be in the company of other women who 'get it' without needing an explanation as to why I am choosing to live alcohol free."

Your ongoing support system

For years, Getting Unstuck graduates have been asking me: what’s next? They’ve wanted to know how we can continue working together once the six-week class comes to an end. And so I created The Stay Sober Club.

I want to help you take the skills and tools you learned in the course and master them. I want to be able to support you when you need it and help keep you in the right mindset as you face new challenges along the journey.

The Stay Sober Club also gives me the opportunity to share extra strategies and ideas that I don’t have space for on the course (but would love to teach you!)

Questions? I’ve got answers…

Rest assured, The Stay Sober Club isn’t about giving you more tasks to complete or fall behind on. This is about you showing up as you are and building on what you’ve already learnt. Now that the Getting Unstuck course has come to an end, the Club is a way for you to get ongoing support from me and my team. You’ll also have access to an active and focused group of likeminded women who are all working on the same goal. If you’re looking for ongoing help and accountability, the Club will be a great fit.

We will meet up via Zoom and there are several calls to choose from each week. We follow a 4-week pattern, with calls at a variety of different times including weekends.

Our Monday newsletter will tell you which calls are coming up each week. At the moment, we have five different types of Club calls: 

  • Community Calls – You can bring anything to this call: the stuff that’s all about sobriety and the stuff that has nothing to do with it! These calls are a great opportunity to catch up with other Club members and share whatever’s on your mind.
  • Momentum Calls – for anyone trying to build momentum in their sobriety. Perhaps you’re just starting over or you’re struggling to get back on track… or maybe you’ve slipped and got stuck in an unhelpful pattern. On this call we’ll talk about the nitty gritty of getting back on track and moving through early sobriety.
  • Course Review Calls – We’ll spend the hour going back through a lesson or two from the Getting Unstuck course, together. We’ll share our answers and talk through what comes up.
  • One Year Plus calls – these are for our members who are more than a year sober. They’re very inspiring to listen to, no matter where you’re at on the journey!
  • Model Calls – Inside the Club, we sometimes use a coaching technique called The Model. On these calls, I’ll help you learn how to use it. 

If you can’t make a call live, no problem – lots of people prefer to listen to the replays instead.

Yes. Everyone’s journey is unique. You all arrive on Day 1 of the course in a slightly different place, with different experiences behind you and different challenges to overcome. Therefore, not everyone finishes the 6 week class in the same place.

If you loved the approach I took inside the class – and you like my teaching style – I suspect things are very close to coming together for you. And I’d like to be there to help that happen and make sure you stick with it! Come and try out our Momentum calls to get you moving forward. Rest assured, we have plenty of Club members who’ve been in your same situation and are now thriving!

Yes – you can join at any time for £47 per month or £470 for the year. 

However, if you’d like to take advantage of the early bird discount (£35 per month) you need to  join the Club within 5 days of your Getting Unstuck course finishing.

Yes. I hope you’ll love it, but if you don’t, you can leave at any time. Your payment cannot be refunded, but you can stop future payments at any time. You can read more about the cancellation policy here.

Join now!

£47 per month 

£35 per month (early bird discount)