Alex's Story

“I love life and I want to be as healthy as I can for the second half of it.”

What happens when you combine perimenopause with lockdowns, weight gain and a drinking problem that’s creeping out of control? You end up with one very unhappy person. In 2022, Alex realised that drinking had put her on an elevator that was only going down… and it was time to stop. Since then she’s made it her mission to make mid-life as fun, healthy and happy as possible.

Alex Says:

I’d heard this phrase before, but I’d forgotten it: “Drinking is an elevator that’s going down. You can get off or stop it at any time but – if you get back on it – it’s still going down.” That’s exactly how I felt.

I used to spend so much time bargaining with myself. You know, the little rules that you make. “I’m not going to drink on a Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday…” And it’s so hard, it’s such a struggle to moderate that it’s not really moderation. You’re just staving off the addiction that’s there until you crack. And then you think, “Well, I’ve had a drink now, so I may as well keep going.”

My built-in response over so many years was to say no – whatever it was would interrupt my drinking or I’d be hungover. There’s something so liberating about just saying yes to things, and I’ve found a whole load of things that just make me genuinely happy!

I’ve lost four stone (56 lbs) – and for the first time in my life I’ve done it without dieting. I’m motivated by trying to be healthy and strong, rather than thin. So I haven’t been to Weight Watchers, I haven’t been to Slimming world. I’ve tried all of those things in the past. People say to me, “You look fantastic, how did you do it?” And I say, “You’re probably not going to like this, but honestly – I just quit drinking.” All those empty calories are gone.

The best thing is that I can rely on myself and I trust myself. Knowing that whatever happens I can pick up my car keys and be there for someone. I can respond to anything that comes my way – it’s so empowering!

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