Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering if the Getting Unstuck class is right for you? Here you can get answers to the most frequently asked questions about the course, so you can make the best decision for you.

When you register on the course website, you’ll create a student profile in order to access the lessons. You can use any username you like, and upload any profile picture. It’s up to you how much you participate in discussions and how much you share about yourself. Your email address and full name etc is private and will not be shared with any other students.

The course fee will show up as ‘Kate Bee’ on bank statements and PayPal accounts.

The course is not on Facebook. The lessons and group discussions are all integrated on one, student-only, private website. We also have an app too. 

I get it. Here’s a different way to look at this:

I know that when you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and signing up to a course like mine, it would be great to be able to do it at the ‘perfect’ time… perhaps when you had an empty social calendar, no work stress, life drama or any other challenges coming your way. 

But as we all know, things rarely work out like that! Therefore, it’s really important that your sobriety can handle ‘real life’ – with all the holidays, work events, birthdays and anniversaries that inevitably crop up along the way. And this is exactly what I’ll teach you inside the course.

One of the reasons that taking a 6 week break works so well is that you inevitably have a few challenges like this come up along the way. When you’ve fully committed to taking a break from booze, then you have no choice but to find a way through these challenges. That might feel scary right now, but honestly – it’s a really, really good thing! Pushing through these moments is where the magic happens. 

When you give yourself the opportunity to do the things you thought you couldn’t do, you make huge progress. You teach yourself that you’re capable of more than you thought. You get to experience sobriety properly. Alcohol free living isn’t about hiding at home and cancelling all your social engagements. When you’re test driving alcohol free living, you need to be able to live your normal life – your real life – just minus the alcohol. And I’ll be there, supporting you through this challenge every step of the way.

Remember, there’s never, ever going to be a ‘perfect’ moment to quit drinking. There will always be a reason why now isn’t the right time. Sometimes, you just have to decide that you’re going to make this the right time. 


In an ideal world, it would be great if your partner could completely get on board with this and join you on this journey. However, most of the women who join the course will – for various reasons – not have the support of their significant other. So you are not alone in this! It certainly doesn’t need to hold you back.

When you’re not getting much encouragement at home, it’s even more important to be able to get it elsewhere. We’re not meant to do the hard stuff in life alone. It makes such a difference to have other people rooting for you, and to have easy access to help. This kind of practical support and community is definitely something you’ll get on the course. 

Before starting the class, I suggest you make it clear to your partner that you’re taking a break for six weeks. Set expectations in advance and let them know exactly what you’re doing. You don’t need their approval – but it can be easier if they’re in the know, so they don’t offer you alcoholic drinks during the 6 week course. 

Finally – remember that you are your own person. You are 100% responsible for yourself. I’m sure there are already tons of things that you do on your own, that your partner doesn’t join in with. Or perhaps there are things they enjoy, or believe in, that you don’t. It’s worth reminding yourself of just how much of an individual you are. Their habits do not have to be your habits… don’t let anyone else hold you back!


Absolutely. I’ve had some students keep themselves to themselves throughout the entire course and they’ve still got incredible results. It’s completely up to you how much you contribute to the discussion at the end of every lesson. Even if you’re a bit shy, I suspect you’ll be impressed by the vibe of the group and you’ll want to participate in the end! You’ll get incredible value from the support and ideas of these other intelligent and caring women.

Women from all around the world have taken the Getting Unstuck course – you can watch them talking about their experiences here

You can complete your lesson at whatever time works best for you.

The most important thing is to commit to logging in each day and doing the daily lesson. That way you can stay on top of things, keep up with the group and maintain your sober momentum! Each lesson takes around 15-20 mins to complete. The first lesson is released on Monday 16th September.

The Getting Unstuck course costs just £277 per month, for 2 months. (The first instalment is taken when you register). Alternatively, you can pay in full and get a discount – the one time fee is £497 if you pay in full. 

I’m based in the UK, hence why I charge in British pounds. However, I have a lot of women join from America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and many other parts of the world.

Exchange rates vary day by day, so if you’re trying to work out the cost in your currency, the best thing is to type it as a question into google. You can literally write, “What is £497 in [insert currency here]?”

Alternatively, please email and we can look it up for you.

At checkout, you can pay in your currency. The money is then transferred to me in pounds. 

I understand that choosing to invest in yourself can be a difficult decision.

The thing a lot of people don’t realise is just how much they spend on alcohol in the first place. Once you sit down and work out how much you drink every week, you might be surprised how much it’s costing you.

Most women find the course pays for itself within six weeks or two months of sobriety. (For more on the incredible savings you’ll make in sobriety, check out this blog of mine!)

Don’t forget to account for all the other costs that come with this lifestyle: the hangover food, taxi rides, lost phones, missed days off work, the gym membership you don’t use… There’s also the cost of things money can’t buy – the missed life experiences, the broken promises, the conversations you can’t remember.

So perhaps the question should be, what is the cost of continuing to drink? 

I’ve made investing in this course as easy as I can for you – even if you can’t pay for the full programme right now. You can get access to the Getting Unstuck programme for just £277 if you select the payment plan option. After that, you’ll have one other monthly payment of £277 to make. We also have a 14 day refund policy, so if you decide that this isn’t a good fit, you can get your money back. 

Yes. We have a 14 day money back guarantee. If you complete all your lessons but feel the course isn’t for you, just turn in your completed coursework and I’ll refund your enrolment fee. Provided you have participated in the course and completed 14 lessons (so we know you’ve given this a proper shot) we will be able to get your refund sorted, no hard feelings. Just send my support team an email – You can read more about the refund policy here.

The Getting Unstuck course is for women only.

No problem. Right now you’re reading these words on your browser, phone or computer. If you can manage to do that, you’ve got more or less all the skills you need!

I will give you step by step instructions on how to use the course website, but to be honest, you probably won’t really need it. The whole site is very simple and straightforward.

I know there are other courses and coaches out there. Some of them are quite good. But there are simply NO courses out there with the proven track record of my Getting Unstuck course. There are NO OTHER courses that have been published and continually updated since 2016… like Getting Unstuck has.

To my knowledge, there are no other courses with a 96.5% student recommendation rate* and pages of testimonial videos. In fact, some self-styled ‘sober coaches’ have no coaching qualifications or success stories at all.

Here’s the thing – I cannot guarantee you success with my Getting Unstuck course. However, I’ve received hundreds of testimonials from my students and have pages of videos from women who are so enthused about my work, they’ve waived their anonymity in order to inspire YOU. There’s a reason my Getting Unstuck course has been around for so long, when other sobriety “coaches” and courses come and go…. The Sober School just works.

I’m so confident in the course that if you join and decide it’s not your thing, you can just send my team an email within the first 14 days and we’ll get your refund sorted, no hard feelings. You can read more about the refund policy here.

*1247 students polled

Success Stories

Hear from Getting Unstuck graduates

Hear Jo's Story

“Joining the course was one of the best things I’ve done in the last decade. My whole outlook on alcohol has completely changed.”

Hear Jamie's Story

“The debunking of the myths about alcohol really helped me. Once we boiled it all down, I really couldn’t think of a single benefit.”

Hear Ruth's Story

“Finding a group of women who felt the same way that I did, with an issue that creates a lot of shame and isolation, was a massive relief.”

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