Jessi's Story

“There was the fear of giving up alcohol, because it’s your best friend – and the fear of living with it, because it’s your worst enemy.”

Jessi had read “every sobriety book under the sun” and even been referred to her local drug and alcohol clinic. But she couldn’t make sobriety stick, until she discovered The Sober School in 2021. In this interview we talk about the importance of self-care, the problem with numbing out and rediscovering her love of dance.

Jessi Says:

It got to the point where I was absolutely panic-stricken – I was terrified. I had tried so many times to stop. I’d struggled for a long time to try and ‘control’ my drinking, but of course it was controlling me.

I’d also read a lot of quit lit. I’d get a new book and I think, “Okay, this book is gonna change my life.” And although it was remarkably helpful, it never quite got me there, which just made me feel more of a failure.

Education for me is the key to everything, so when I saw The Sober School I thought, “This is what I need to do. I need to learn my way out of this.” So I did the course religiously – I listened, I learned, I did the background reading, I did the writing. Reading my list of reasons to stop now makes me weep. The course isn’t just about sobriety. Sobriety is the nub of it, but it’s really a course about self-care and looking after yourself. Putting yourself first.

I was a very good secret drinker, as many people are, I think. Recently I asked my children what difference they’d noticed in me since I quit. They said I was very disconnected when I was drinking. I was also more emotional. And looking back now, I can see what they’re talking about. After a point in the evening – once tea was out the way – then it was my time to just numb out and not have to think. So I couldn’t talk to my boys about school or homework etc.

I had a very small world when I was drinking. After I quit, I wanted to take more risks again. I got back into dancing, which I’d done as a teenager. When I’m dancing, I can’t think about anything else – I feel pure joy!

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