If you’re planning on drinking this Christmas, stay with me here!
You might be thinking, “Nothing you say is going to change my mind, Kate. I just can’t do it… I’m not even going to think about quitting drinking until January.”
If so, check out this week’s video anyway. It will get you fired up for the New Year…
But if, on the other hand, you’re heading into your first sober Christmas and you’re feeling a bit nervous, I hope this video helps you stay focused and inspires you to keep going!
10 Things I Love About Being Sober At Christmas
1. No embarrassing mistakes
Whether it’s putting the wrong labels on presents, forgetting something really important or doing something at your office party that you later regret… alcohol increases the chances of you cringing later!
2. More energy
This is a tiring time of year. There are 101 things to sort out and I bet it’s mainly you that’s responsible for making it all happen, right? Not drinking will give you more energy and headspace to figure this stuff out.
3. More money
If finances are tight right now, take a moment to work out how much you normally spend on booze at this time of year. This is a month where most of us go out more than normal. Drinking alcohol is guaranteed to make your bar bill much bigger.
4. Driving yourself home!
I still love being able to jump in my car at the end of a great night and drive myself home. No standing around in the cold, trying to flag down a taxi or paying for an expensive Uber. Being able to go out and then leave exactly when you want to feels very freeing.
5. Less drama
Real life isn’t a Christmas card scene. Families fall out and things go wrong. However, the chances of you getting into an argument or overreacting to something are massively reduced when you’re sober at Christmas.
6. Guilt-free festive food
A slice of Christmas cake contains at least 200 calories. A large glass of wine is about the same. If you aren’t drinking, you’ve got more room to indulge!
7. Looking better
Alcohol dehydrates the skin, increases redness and can make you look puffy and bloated. It’s not a good look, and make up can’t always hide it. I ask everyone I work with to take a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ picture because your appearance will inevitably change!
8. No more acting
Pretending to be hangover-free and bursting with energy is draining. Trying to sneak an extra drink here and there without anyone noticing is also hard work… and the last thing any of us needs.
9. More time
Sobriety gives you extra time in the day and that feels great at this time of year. When you’re drinking, you don’t just lose time being drunk – it’s also the sluggishness afterwards, the time wasted worrying, putting things right and beating yourself up.
10. Making memories
At the end of the day, this is what this crazy time of year is all about, isn’t it? Alcohol robs you of your memories – it can leave the most special days blurry and forgettable. Being sober at Christmas gives you those special moments back and you can’t put a price on that.
Click here to find out more about my Getting Unstuck course.
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55 responses
I want to be sober to actually feel free from the grip drinking has on me, wrapped up in the same old routine feeling lost and worried for my health
Freedom from the alcohol trap (because that’s what you’re describing) can be yours Elsie. Join my next online course in January to start your journey: https://thesoberschool.com/course/
Hi, that’s exactly how I feel – worried for my health, worried I’m doing damage to myself but not actually being able to see that, until it’s probably too late!
I just want to feel free from it and try to get into a new routine, where alcohol isn’t involved.
And I can help you find that freedom Sally, my online course Getting Unstuck does just that. Join us in January for a fresh start to 2023: https://thesoberschool.com/course/
The word “free” is the word I use to describe how it feels to step away from drinking .Free to choose and know I have a choice. Have a listen to Elton Johns “somebody saved my life tonight “ . You got this .
#11.) A clean conscience.
A clean conscience is the best pillow you’ll ever sleep on.
Thank you Kate, for your top 10 list of affirmations to bolster my resolve not to drink alcohol this season.
A great No.11 to add to the list – love it!
A good list of reminders why drinking is not a good idea especially at this time of year. I hope you all have a healthy 2023. Xx
Thanks Sue and the same good wishes to you
If you’re lucky enough to have a few days off of work, being sober during that time ensures it’s not wasted on alcohol/recovering from alcohol and you can go back to work actually feeling renewed and rejuvenated after the holidays!
So true Sara, proper rest and relaxation which you don’t get whilst drinking…
Loved this list! Especially remembering and saving money! Thanks for this list and the timely delivery of this message.
I’ve struggled off and on for YEARS and I cannot say that I am AF, but I’m AR (alcohol reduced…) and these videos are really helpful. Thanks, Kate!
If you’d like to finally ‘get unstuck’ and become AF in 2023, I can help you. Have a listen to some of my previous students stories; they are inspiring https://thesoberschool.com/success-stories/
The good feeling of not being disappointed in myself and feeling good that I can have a great time at the parties and not need a drink to do it.
I agree, I wish I’d known this years ago! Nevermind, I have a clean slate to start over.
Authentically fun times – can’t beat them!
I like this one. Not being disappointment in yourself. So true. Your self worth rockets doesn’t it? It’s a very tiny amount of time between arriving at a party and wishing you had a drink and then watching everyone get drunk and be so glad you didn’t. I just give myself a talking to and wait an hour.
Realising I’m not using empty calories to fuel my fire! I am looking forward to two weeks holiday with my family and be able to enjoy all the different tasty food without feeling guilty.I was so shocked when I realised how many hidden calories ate there in booze ! No wonder I have struggled to lose weight!
Not to mention the late night snacks whilst drinking and the hangover food next day to recover! It’s so much easier to stick to our health goals when alcohol is off the table.
Thanks for these…all of them are bang on. I went to my first Christmas party this year and did sober dancing, and it was fun! First time in about 30 years! (apart from pregnancies). I still make gobby comments but at least I can remember them! It can be done

I’m determined to STOP the guilt I feel for the little lies I tell my husband ( & myself!!) over how much money I actually spend on buying wine and how many glasses I’ve really had – always making the number a bit smaller ! My daughter said “ he is such a legend” over something else and I realised he (we both) deserve much better.
Good news- I offered to drive us both home the other evening after a party … he was just so pleased & that made me so happy.
I remember the cumulative effect of the little lies compounding the guilty feelings and who was I kidding? Myself most of the time.
If you’re tired of trying to figure this out on your own, let me help you break free. Details of my online course called Getting Unstuck are here: https://thesoberschool.com/course/
I practiced being AF yesterday (18th Dec) at our usual big family pre-Christmas lunch with people aged 1 to 70 years old. It was great to be present during the day and then to have the ability to review and post lovely pictures so that those who were ‘less’ present can remember the day. I will be starting the course on the 9th January and I really want 2023 to be a fresh start. In the meantime I am being ‘aware’.
Just a taste of the ‘present’ feeling that is lost whilst drinking. When we numb the lows, we numb the highs too. I look forward to supporting you in achieving your alcohol-free goals in 2023 Gail
Hi Kate, I haven’t had a drink in five weeks now and don’t intend to over Christmas. My wake up call was getting so drunk through difference’s with my children that I tripped and fell breaking my ankle so badly that I had to spend a week in hospital. I’ve never felt better and I will continue to stay sober.
Congratulations on your five weeks of sobriety Tracy and best wishes for a happy and hangover free festive season
Thanking you, have a good Christmas.x
I am almost now 5 months AF and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done. I used to waste so much of my time and evenings feeling anxious so turn to drink, depressed turn to drink, happy turn to drink etc etc…resulting in the following day feeling guilty, anxious, depressed etc all due…to drink!!!
Now I feel energised, focussed and far less anxious daily. Xmas is going to a totally diff one this year!
Congratulations Emma! You’re right that alcohol is such a time thief, so it’s brilliant to have extra time in the day, especially at this time of year
Oddly enough Xmas is my sober time!
I have always been the driver .
It’s the rest of the year.
Thank you lovely Kate xx
Thank you for the tips, I agree 100%. I love January because it gives the Dry January excuse I need not to drink! Iv just had a Christmas night out with friends and drove, so I didn’t have to make up an excuse! But my biggest problem is my husband, he keeps telling me what fun I used to be when I drank, our whole past and social life has revolved around wine! Now the main reason I have a drink ( just occasionally now) is to keep him happy! He goes out drinking and often is verbally aggressive and upsets people, its the main reason I dont drink. Its so hard to be sober in a world revolving around booze! Sally xx
As is often the case, people’s comments say much more about them than you. It shines a light on their own drinking and that’s possibly uncomfortable? I wrote a blog about having a partner that drinks which I hope you find helpful Sally: https://thesoberschool.com/i-want-to-quit-but-my-partner-still-drinks/
Related to all 10!! I’ve been af for 15 months just after Christmas. 15 months free of that feeling of guilt and remorse. I’m absolutely sure I couldn’t have found the strength without your Getting Unstuck course. Many thanks Kate! Happy Christmas from Australia … Leith

Thank you Leith, sobriety suits you! Wishing you a Merry Christmas too
I could not have come this far without you. My first Xmas AF,and definitely not my last
Sobriety is always a bonus when in charge of the cooking xmas lunch! Many a time in the past that food has been spoilt by me “forgetting ” how long its been cooking for!!!
Ha ha, very true! Dry turkey and over boiled sprouts are not very nice
Thank you Kate. Your videos are inspirational. I have only been AF for one week but am feeling all the benefits you describe already, and wondering why I didn’t find the strength to do this years ago. I am looking forward to a Christmas day where I’m still awake for all the evening fun with the family. I’ve usually fallen into a drunken sleep long before then. Happy Christmas and thank you for the support.
You’re very welcome Karen and I’d love to help you continue the benefits of sobriety because it’s the gift that keeps on giving! My New Year class of Getting Unstuck starts on Monday 9th January 2023 and details are here to create a fabulous 2023: https://thesoberschool.com/course/
Thankyou for this great list . I’m AF since July so this will be my first ‘by choice’ AF Christmas and I’m actually looking forward to it.
I am loving sobriety and the Getting Unstuck course I did this October was the best present-to-self ever.
I had to just share this with you … I’m doing really well ( so far only a couple of weeks AF but feeling better already with more sleep & energy ) that a friend asked me to visit & drink with her a couple of bottles of champagne she’d been given from work. When I declined she kept saying … but they were £40 each bottle & she was given them. We must drink the “free” champagne. I thought to myself (not going to preach on enjoying sobriety !) that my health & body is worth much more than £40 !!!
Sooo proud I resisted !
You should be proud, well done! Fancy, expensive champagne is still rotting fruit juice in a pretty bottle that does the human body no good at all. Wishing you a happy and healthy festive season Kathy
Love this description of champagne! So funny!
This will be my first alcohol free Christmas and I can’t wait to experience being able to actually remember special times. I’ve lost so many precious memories due to alcohol, done stupid things and made poor decisions. Now I feel I’m finally doing something for me, not alcohol. So pleased to have found this community !
You’ll cherish and remember this Christmas even more with a clear mind and heart Mary
I am so excited to have a family Christmas before me where I will be completely sober and truly not missing the booze, all thanks to your course and the ladies in your club Kate. Boxing Day will be another milestone for me, 600 days. If I can do this, then anyone can and sober living is totally worth it, every minute of every singe day! Thank you Kate, Merry Christmas!
Kate, your videos have helped me remain af for well over a year. My father passed away a few days ago, and I’ve never wanted a drink LESS. I’m so thankful I was clear and present for the last few days of his illness, where there were real moments of connection, and am now able to fully feel all the love & support flowing in. I would not want to miss any of this sad/sacred moment drunk, hungover, or in a state of boozy blues.
I’m so sorry to hear that Lynn. Your sobriety enabled you to have those precious final moments that will stay clear in your memory forever. Take good care of yourself at this difficult time, sending thoughts and prayers
I decided to do dry December. I was at the point where I could not wait until Jan 1 to start feeling better. I am so happy to know I will wake up Christmas morning, and New years day feeling fresh and energized. I will not say “never again”, but I will continue adding days on Jan 1. I do not want to go back to drinking. 5 lbs have just fallen off effortlessly by merely eliminating my nightly wine. Thank you, Kate, for all you do. Happy Christmas to you!
Happy Christmas to you too and what a great way to end 2022 and starting 2023 with energy and joy! You are quite right that there is no ‘right time’ to quit drinking, it’s simply about how alcohol is making you feel that should guide your decision. I wrote a blog on this exact topic that you may find interesting: https://thesoberschool.com/right-time-to-quit-drinking/
All these comments are how I feel right now, guilty, scared, embarrassed about how much I drink. I’ve signed up for your class in January and its my Christmas present not just to me but my whole family who deserve better x
I’ll be honoured to show you how to create an alcohol-free life you’ll love and become the best version of yourself. Looking forward to seeing you in the classroom Joanne
I’m on evening 4 of AF , and have made arrangements for 23/12/2023 , because I won’t be drinking , I will pick up my grandson who is15 and then drop him off , so that I can have time with him before Xmas and wont see him on Xmas day , and he doesn’t have to make the journey by bus from and to his dads on the bus , which can be off putting for him , when he would other wise just want to stay at his dads and chill
That’s such a positive reason to continue being alcohol-free, making those very important connections with loved ones.