Kate's Blog

2022 In Review: Our Alcohol-Free Highlights Of The Year

If you think that sober living is just about ditching booze, think again.

Every December, I ask the women I’ve been coaching to share a picture of an alcohol-free highlight of their year.

The photos they send in are always amazing and underline how much bigger and better life gets when you break out of the alcohol trap.

This year’s collection is no exception.

There’s a story behind every photo – and I’ve done my best to capture it all in today’s video…

What about you?

If you’ve got an alcohol-free highlight that you’d like to share, let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear about it!

Hi, I'm Kate

I founded The Sober School to show you there’s another way out of your shame that doesn’t involve AA or rehab. 


25 responses

  1. Watching the video of your successes makes me feel so happy. Thank you for sharing your moments of freedom – there will be many more to come. Xx

  2. I have to say my AF highlights have been my children. They are over the moon that I stopped drinking and this makes me over the moon as well! Stopped drinking March 2022….looking forward to an AF 2023 with many new exciting adventures ahead that I will be able to fully participate in and remember!!!

  3. I celebrated 1 year alcohol free with 12th row center tickets to see Billy Joel. I remember every wonderful second of that concert.

    1. Me too. Feel amazing so proud of myself looking forward to AF 2023. Well done and happiness and health for 2023 xx

  4. Hangover free Boxing Day 2nd in a row and being there for my adult children who still need me snd I’m all there for them xo

  5. I also celebrated my first AF Christmas! The highlights are that I was awake past 9PM, totally present for the conversation around the table with my kids and their spouses, played a fun game, cleaned up and went to bed happy at 11:30. Even better I remembered the whole evening and had no hangover! What a game changer for me! So proud of myself and happy. Thanks Kate for your supportive and encouraging emails and videos.

    1. I agree! Same for me too! First AF Xmas and it’s been tricky at times (I admit) but def worth it! The blogs, emails and messages help me everyday! Thankyou!

    1. That’s amazing, congratulations! Each sober day gets easier and the benefits grow day by day so keep it up. Wishing you a happy and joyous New Year 🙂

  6. Flying abroad for a holiday for the first time in years. Normally I’d have to get pie-eyed to fly. But I made it there and back AF and pretty relaxed.

    1. This is very encouraging and enlightening. I’m a terrified flyer – one thing alcohol does do is lessen inhibitions. Usually inhibitions are there for a good reason and go in their own time when ready, but with flying I have an irrational terror that only alcohol seems to curb. Do you have any tips on how you managed it please? And well done!!xx

    2. Fabulous – a sober holiday is the best kind as you get to experience everything authentically and come back truly rested, instead of needing another holiday to get over it!

  7. I’m just starting my journey to being alcohol free. I can’t wait to start having beautiful moments like these! Amazing inspirational video x

    1. Thank you Hannah, I’m proud of each and every one of my students and I’ll be honoured to coach and guide you to a life of alcohol freedom too.

  8. I have set myself a break for 10 weeks in mid September. I’ve lasted about 12 weeks when Christmas arrived, had a couple and stopped and it was fine. Just like that. I am so proud of myself and that I was able to walk away from so much wine and champagne… and I’ve had the best Christmas which I was really enjoying because I was present. Thanks you Kate and all you’re support team. It still makes me so happy and I’m so greatful I am not drinking. I started reflecting on life every morning for a few weeks now and it brings me so much joy to have what I have….

  9. I’m so excited for the Master Class 12/31/2022 and the course that starts 01/09/2023. I had my last drink on Christmas Day, and am ready to be alcohol-free in 2023. I just received your book “How to Go Alcohol Free.” I am going to use this a lot and keep it with me all the time. I am ready!

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