Kate's Blog

10 Reasons To Quit Drinking, According To Sober Celebrities

I’ve always been fascinated by the sheer number of celebrities who quietly don’t drink alcohol.

I’m not talking about famous people who’ve fought well-publicised battles with booze. I’m more interested in the celebs who quietly decided that Hollywood’s champagne lifestyle wasn’t for them.

Their reasons for quitting are varied and inspiring. So if you’re looking for a bit of motivation to help you stick to your sober goals, this week’s video is for you!

Reasons to quit:

1. Have more energy

“I have more energy and I have more fun than when I was drinking, and I can hang out really late and get up early in the morning with no hangovers and still smile.”
Naomi Campbell

2. Be a better parent

“Drinking makes me unavailable for my son. I quit drinking back in October… for 18 years. I’m gonna stop drinking while my son’s living in my house. He’s getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings.”
Anne Hathaway

3. Feel happier

“When I got sober, I thought giving up was saying goodbye to all the fun and sparkle, and it turned out to be just the opposite.  That’s when the sparkle started for me.”
Mary Karr

4. Enjoy more free time

“I was starting to get bad hangovers on not much booze. A glass of wine gave me a headache or even sickness the next day. The after effects weren’t worth the fun times. I lost half days, sometimes full ones… my life is so busy that if I do have a day off, I don’t want to spend it vomiting.”
Sarah Millican

5. Lose weight faster

“I realised there were lots of empty calories in booze so that is why I gave it up. If you add up through the week what I’d consume in alcohol calories it was mad. I don’t miss any of that. Now instead of partying until 6.45am, I’m in the gym at 6.45am.”
Lisa Riley

6. Understand yourself better

“That’s one great way of really sort of getting to know yourself, is just drinking water and being sober as anything.”

7. Make the most of life

“I was so concerned what you thought of me, how I was coming across, how I would survive the day… I always felt like an outsider. I just lived in my head. I realized I wasn’t going to live up to my potential, and that scared the hell out of me. I thought, ‘Wow, I’m actually gonna ruin my life; I’m really gonna ruin it.'”
Bradley Cooper

8. Stop lying

“I’m an actor, so I acted … all the fucking time. One thing [addiction] does is make you clever at not giving anything away. People think junkies and alcoholics are slovenly, unmotivated people. They’re not – they are incredibly organised. They can nip out for a quick shot of whisky and you wouldn’t know they have gone. It’s as if … you are micro-managed by it.”
Simon Pegg

9. Do better at work

“I realised it was not going to end well. I got into the acting programme, it was very challenging, I was hungover and I wasn’t doing so well in my classes. I thought, ‘Do you know what? It’s going to be one or the other. I can’t really have both.’”
Kristin Davis

10. Gain super powers

“Someone asked me about the ‘secret to my success,’ and the first thing that came to my mind was my sobriety…my sobriety isn’t a limitation. Sobriety isn’t even a ‘have to’ – it’s a superpower.”
Brene Brown

Looking to create a sober life you love? Click here to find out more about my Getting Unstuck course.

Hi, I'm Kate

I founded The Sober School to show you there’s another way out of your shame that doesn’t involve AA or rehab. 


17 responses

    1. Congratulations on your one year soberversary coming up! 🙂 Anything planned to mark this milestone, a treat for yourself perhaps?

  1. I love the comment by Brown: Sobriety isn’t a limitation. It’s a superpower. I would add–sleep! I’m amazed at how well I sleep. 134 days.

  2. I like Adele’s comment:
    6. Understand yourself better
    “That’s one great way of really sort of getting to know yourself, is just drinking water and being sober as anything.”
    Sobriety is allowing me to uncover the real me.

  3. Replying to myself. Also…Jada Pinkett Smith. The actress revealed details about her past struggles with addiction on her show, Red Table Talk, admitting, “Drinking red wine for me was like drinking glasses of water. I think back on my life, like, I am a walking miracle, no doubt about that.”

  4. Thanks for this, Kate. For sure more energy, happier, making the most of my life, understanding myself better, and having more free time resonate in a big way with me. These positive outcomes of sobriety have been life changing for me (over 130 days AF now!). Special kudos to Anne Hathaway for quitting drinking to be more available to her son. Motherhood can be isolating, and I wish I had the strength when my daughter was younger and growing up to get alcohol free. Then again I didn’t have you in my life at that time ,Kate. I have such gratitude for you and to all of the wonderful women who share their stories of inspiration.

  5. Totally agree with all. I’m AF 3 months now after starting at 15 and now 69. Recently experienced a seizure which found a small lesion on my brain. I am the healthiest person I know. Exercise and healthy foods for decades. I am convinced that this is due to my drinking, often binging. No family history. It’s the neuro toxin from alcohol. Take care of yourselves!! Xo

  6. Congratulations, Kate! That’s an huge accomplishment!
    For me, my main problem is that as soon as I have a sip of wine, it triggers some need to eat anything around me. Every time I drink wine I am not able to read meaning no no no be true to myself in regards to my eating habits, and I end up sabotaging myself. Like last night, I had some wine, and as soon as I came home, I ate a bunch of sweet bread, that, otherwise I wouldn’t have eaten. I am wondering if you have videos on this topic that can help me figure out how to address this issue.

  7. I have been hiding away so very lost filled with such deep regret and shame and I have just cried reading all of those and thankyou for helping me to see I am not the only one x

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