Kate's Blog

10 Unexpected Benefits Of Quitting Drinking

If you’ve been toying with the idea of going alcohol free for a while, then you’ve probably already thought about the benefits this might bring.

There are the obvious things like waking up without a hangover, looking better and making the most of your free time.

But to be honest, those well-known plus points are just the tip of the iceberg. The unexpected benefits of sobriety go much deeper than that.

And they’re exactly what I’m talking about in today’s video…

Ten unexpected benefits

1. You’ll care less about what other people think

Sobriety requires you to go against the grain and this can feel awkward at first. However, once you’ve done this once, it’s then much easier to do more stuff like that. Soon you won’t be worrying as much about what you “should” do or what other people think!

2. Being sober will make you feel strong and proud

Before I quit, I thought sobriety would make me feel boring, weird or like some kind of failure. This is absolutely not the case! Doing the thing you thought you couldn’t do (which so many others can’t even contemplate) is a real boost to your confidence.

3. Your sense of what’s possible changes

When you’re drinking, it’s easy to just accept the status quo or fall into a pattern of saying: “No, I couldn’t do that.” Sobriety changes that perspective, forcing you to reassess what’s possible and figure out what you really want.

4. You can show up for the people you care about

When you’re alcohol free, you can be relied upon at any time of day or night. You don’t have to cancel plans because you feel ill or dodge phone calls because you think you sound drunk. It’s so much easier to do the things that matter.

5. You can figure out what really makes you happy

Society has conditioned us to believe that drinking brings joy and fulfilment. In sobriety, you get to work out what truly lights you up. If you’ve been drinking for a long time, new discoveries may await you!

6. You’ll get clearer about what you do (and don’t) want in your life

When you remove this distracting, mind-altering substance from your life, it becomes a lot easier to see what is and isn’t working. Without alcohol papering over the cracks, the blinkers are off and that is a good thing.

7. You get to find out who you really are

If you’ve spent years (or even decades) relying on alcohol to get you through any awkward situations, then you don’t know what you’re truly capable of yet. It is fascinating to get to know yourself better – you may well be surprised by what you can achieve!

8. You always have more options

When you’re sober, you can drive yourself home from a night out. You can pick a restaurant based on the food, rather than the wine menu. You can give your partner your full attention, rather than keeping one eye on the bottle.

9. You’re fully present

When alcohol steals your focus, you often end up being physically present but mentally absent, so you miss the subtler stuff – the special moments that make life what it is. You’ll no longer be short changed on memories.

10. You’re free to live your right life

Many women who drink simply aren’t living the lives they want. They can’t focus on their goals, hopes or dreams because booze keeps holding them back. Cutting out alcohol removes this roadblock, giving you the time, energy and opportunity to live life fully.

Looking to create a sober life packed full of unexpected benefits? Click here to find out more about my Getting Unstuck course.

Hi, I'm Kate

I founded The Sober School to show you there’s another way out of your shame that doesn’t involve AA or rehab. 


26 responses

  1. Kate, thank you for your inspiring emails and blog. They e been really helpful. Today I’m starting week 4. I’m looking forward to the start of classes in July!

  2. Kate,

    Every reason you listed is a great reason.

    I am 48 and I never drank before my hysterectomy in 2019.
    Actually 2019 was a big trigger year I am realizing.
    My grandmas passing, and a long relationship was ending.

    I have an idea that to relieve some stress I took on this habit.

    I am going back to healthy life style.

    I have only gained weight and had a scare of pancreas issues.

    I want to be present and learn about myself more and gain back my self worth.

    1. Going back to a healthy lifestyle will enable you to regain self worth, reduce health risks and learn about what it is that you want from your one and only life. Alcohol cannot give you any of those things, ever…

    2. One of the unforeseen benefits of being AF is bring able to speak your mind about a topic you believe in. When you are drinking excessively we loose our train of thought therefore being unable to get our point across smoothly.

  3. “You’re free to live your right life”
    After 35 years of drinking, I have decided to give up entirely and am 8 days in. I am looking forward to leaving the shame and guilt behind.

    1. Making that one decision and never questioning it is the way to successful sobriety in my opinion. Let me help guide you to a happy and guilt free future without feeling like you are missing out on anything, because you’re not! My next online course starts in July and here are the details: https://thesoberschool.com/course/

  4. Thank you for creating this! At 5 months AF, I would say you are spot on.

    My biggest surprise has been what it is like to actually feel and deal with emotions rather than numb them. My life is becoming more of what I want because of it.

    1. Well done on your five months Sarah, that’s awesome! I have discovered through working with thousands of women that we are rarely taught how to handle emotions while growing up. We are usually ‘soothed’ with food or treats and then as adults we are told to have a drink to calm down or take the edge off. It’s no wonder we come to rely on alcohol to manage our feelings and emotions, but there is another way…

  5. Thank you for your regular emails Kate, I look forward to them for the inspiration you give. I have to confess to. not giving up drinking completely yet as I still find it difficult when socialising with friends, Mainly because my husband doesn’t drink and I don’t want us to look like the party pooper couple. During the week, however, I can manage not to drink or have an alcohol free lager. For the last 6 years my husband has had many health problems and I do believe that alcohol has been a prop for me (or so I thought) but the after effects have not been good which is why I want to quit. Thank you once again. Christine

    1. Drinking to please others is not serving you and your lifestyle choices are really no-one else’s business. Have a listen to some of my previous students’ success stories for inspiration as many of them felt the same way as you before taking my Getting Unstuck course: https://thesoberschool.com/success-stories/

  6. I love hearing your pep talks . I have been off and on for many years and getting closer and closer to permently going alcohol free. Thank you!!! Susan

    1. Keep going Susan! The early days are some of the hardest, but if you stick with this you will get to the good bit ❤️

  7. I am almost at six months, sober Thanks to your inspiration, great strategies and other sober school resources. I can say for certain that eight out of 10 of these benefits resonated with me just after a couple of months of sobriety and doing some good thought work. I didn’t start drinking daily until I was about 50 and I am now almost 64 so I feel like I’m finally getting back to who I was in my younger decades. I am so grateful for how you care about so many women, and share your wisdom with us. With gratitude, Anne.

  8. I am proud
    Not to follow the crowd
    Bless you Kate bee
    I’m alcohol free
    It’s been two years
    Ive faced my fears
    And now I know
    Which way to go.

  9. Hi Kate
    Thank you for the emails and videos . They are inspiring and affirming
    I’m giving up drinking after 45 years of it being a big too big , part of my life . The reasons for this are manifold but I watch my sons who both are alcohol dependent and see how insidious alcohol is. I do wonder how it will affect my friendships as all my close friends drink and do feel nervous . My big problem is drinking on my own. I think I got into the habit of self medication as a very young girl and alcohol fits the bill perfectly . But thank you for normalising not drinking

    1. It’s true that some relationships may change when one party gets sober, but often for the better. Genuine friends will be happy that you are taking good care of your health and family 🙂

  10. I found that friends did react strangely to my not drinking when I did my 100 days AF from new years day, but they had started to come round. I did start drinking in very small quantities after that though and shortly go on a AI holiday so being realistic I know its unlikely I will be AF during that, but hope to keep it moderated and then have another bash at AF when I get back as I love concept of AF living in the wonderful way you promote it Kate. Also have lots of worries again at present due to my elderly mothers declining health, which I have to try and balance caring for along with a full on job and trying to be a good grandma. This stress robs my energy to do something as wonderfully positive as as AF living.

    1. Removing alcohol from the picture for a defined period of time will give you an idea of the stress that it actually adds to your life. Every woman I have coached talks about the extra time, energy and peace they experience when alcohol-free. It’s so worth giving it a try for six weeks so you have some comparison.

  11. Dear Kate
    An inspiring Videovorlesung and supporting 10 points.

    I am not a drinker per se but have been toying with not having any alcohol at all because I am aware it lowers my inhibitions to controlling over-eating and also, being a single lady, trying to survive on one wage now, alcohol is an expense I cannot afford nor can I lead an outgoing life when I need to drive everywhere. But all that aside, alcohol does change my perception of things – maybe even makes me happy – relaxed but that is not reality it only serves to highlight that my reality needs to change to make me happier without alcohol or excess food.

    I feel as though I am talking to myself here and not you but you have provided the forum for me to talk and I thank you for that.

    Kind regards

    1. You make some interesting points Kim. I like your observation “my reality needs to change to make me happier without alcohol or excess food.” This is exactly what I teach inside my Getting Unstuck programme, details of the next course if you’d like my support to make some changes: https://thesoberschool.com/course/

  12. i’ve been AF for 9 months. recently had surgery and the pain and recovery has been prompting more temptation to anesthetize. I need to continue AF for health reasons. But i’m finding that i am unmotivated due to lack of energy to cultivate healthy outlets.

    1. I’m sorry you are struggling following surgery, perhaps take advice on pain management from a health professional? As you would expect, I wouldn’t advise self medicating with alcohol; that’s never a good choice…

  13. I think the one that sticks out the most is figuring out what really makes you happy. For so long I thought alcohol equaled enjoyment and happiness. I have been experimenting with how I feel when I am drinking and who I am with. Am I really having fun or am I bored? I’m realizing that the “just add alcohol “ and you get instant fun isn’t true. I am curious to see what I consider fun without alcohol.

  14. Getting healthy is the key for me which i think will open a lot of other doors to refreshed ways of life. I’m really looking forward to the classes in July, not least of all connecting with others to share goals and experiences.

  15. Your are 100% right , everything in this video message I can relate to now , as I am 6months AF after taking your course …… Thankyou Kate xxx

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