Kate's Blog
I used to question my decision to quit drinking all the time. When I was hungover, I’d feel so motivated for a few hours, or maybe even a few days. Sometimes I’d stop for several weeks. But then the doubts would creep in. I’d start to wonder...
Back in my drinking days, I was great at telling myself it wasn’t the ‘right time’ to stop. I would’ve dismissed the idea of taking a break from booze at this time of year. After all, you don’t turn over a new leaf in November. That’s what...
Here in the UK, the clocks went back over the weekend, giving us an extra hour in the day on Sunday. It got me thinking about how luxurious it is to have more time… and how often booze steals that from us. Alcohol is such a time thief...
“I’m not sure if my drinking is bad enough for me to have to quit completely.’’ This is something I hear a lot and it’s a debate I had with myself for a long time. I wasn’t a rock bottom drinker, so did I really need to quit - or was I overreacting?
Before I quit drinking, I spent a lot of time wishing I was a normal drinker. I was annoyed that I didn’t seem to have more willpower or self discipline. (If beating yourself up was a sport, I’d have been in the Olympics.) If you can relate, this...
It can feel as if wine is the only thing that will fix your anxiety... Especially when you're overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed out. You know a glass of wine (or three) will take the edge off. You want to drink less... but alcohol helps you...
I've always been pretty health conscious. Before I got sober, I’d try my best not to think about the health risks of being a heavy drinker.I ignored reports about the dangers of alcohol. I liked to think my wine was just mashed grapes. By day...
Recently I spotted an interesting comment on my blog about feeling bored. It said: “I’m finding it difficult to quit, because I’m so used to having a glass in my hand in the evening. It feels like it gives me something to do. I’m bored in the...
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