Kate's Blog
It’s National Stop Smoking Day on Wednesday. The theme for this year is ‘proud to be a quitter’. I love this idea. In life we’re always told to never give up and to keep going - but when it comes to something like smoking, being a quitter is definitely...
Whether it’s triggered by Facebook pictures of the party you weren’t invited to, or some news from your now-married ex, most of us will have experienced FOMO at some point. The Fear Of Missing Out is the social anxiety that comes from worrying that everyone...
I get lots of questions about sugar. Alcohol has tons of sugar in it and when you take the booze away, our bodies can really miss the sweet stuff. People who’ve spent years skipping dessert can suddenly find they want to inhale pints of ice cream or steal...
It's very easy to hate Valentine’s Day when you’re single, like me. The sheer volume of saccharine, romantic propaganda can be a little overwhelming. Yesterday, my other single friends were keen to remind anyone who'd listen that the 14th February is...
Dry January might have been and gone, but for those of you who are serious about changing your drinking, the work continues. If you’re trying to drink less, take a break or quit for good, then you need to surround yourself with as much support as you...
Britain has a crazy, contradictory attitude towards alcohol at the best of times, but this January we’ve really outdone ourselves. During a month when thousands of people have been trying to swear off booze, alcohol has never been far from the headli...
If you’re trying to make sobriety stick this January, and you’ve made it this far, then congratulations! You deserve a huge pat on the back. If your New Year’s resolution hasn’t gone so smoothly - and 2016 is starting to feel … a bit, well, 2015...
I only realised a few weeks ago that I was about to hit 1000 days sober. I have a little app on my phone that counts the days but I rarely check it now. So I got a bit of a surprise when I opened it, looked at my calendar, did some adding up ...
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