They did it – and so can you!

Success Stories

If you feel like you’re the only woman in the world who quietly struggles with her drinking, this page is for you. No matter what you’re going through or how you’re feeling – you’re not alone.

I’ve helped women from around the globe to quit drinking and create alcohol free lives they love.

So let me introduce you to a few of them…

Alex's Story

“I love life and I want to be as healthy as I can for the second half of it.”

Julia's Story

“Trying to moderate my drinking was a disaster.”

Jay's Story

“I’m really present for my kids now. I’m giving them the mum that they deserve.”

Jessi's Story

“There was the fear of giving up alcohol, because it’s your best friend – and the fear of living with it, because it’s your worst enemy.”

Gemma's Story

“Sobriety helped me lose weight and lose my anxiety – I’m a completely different person now, I was so stressed before.”

Su's Story

“After the death of my son, the bottle would be opened every night. I didn’t know how to cope in any other way.”

Melissa's Story

“I decided to quit drinking whilst working as a nurse during the height of the pandemic – and it made my life so much easier.”

Jo's Story

“I was about to become a grandmother for the first time, and I wanted to be trusted to help look after him.”

Jane's Story

“You can see why all the Hollywood celebs don’t drink – sobriety does wonders for your appearance. People keep asking me what my secret is!”

Susan's Story

“I felt like I was living a double life. I felt like I was the only woman in the world who came in from work and drank a bottle of wine every evening.”