“I’ve Been So Good, I Must Deserve A Drink!”

Opening a bottle used to be my reward whenever I felt I’d worked hard or achieved something. So when I tried to “be good” and not drink, I’d last a few days, only to go and ruin it with wine 🤦‍♀️ Looking back now, it was crazy. But it may well be a pattern you […]

My Name’s Kate And I’m Not An Alcoholic

In my drinking days, I must have googled “Am I an alcoholic?” so many times. I didn’t think I actually was an alcoholic, but my drinking was making me feel really bad. Fast forward to today and an awful lot has changed. Not only am I ten years sober, but my thoughts on the “alcoholic” […]

Here’s What I Wish I’d Known 10 Years Ago

Something pretty big happened to me 10 years ago: I quit drinking. In April 2013, I thought I was just taking a break and giving sobriety a test drive… but alcohol-free living turned out to be so good, I didn’t want to give it up! I could never have imagined that a decade later, I’d […]

31 Clues Your Drinking Is Becoming A Problem

How do you know when it’s time to quit? If you’re a grey-zone drinker like I was, the chances are it’s not that clear. Perhaps your life looks pretty normal from the outside? You’re still showing up and taking care of the 101 things on your to-do list. And yet… You keep drinking much more […]

Problem Drinking Looks Nothing Like You See In The Movies!

Last night’s Oscars got me thinking about what makes a great movie. In all honesty, if a director had to make a film about my drinking story, it would be incredibly dull. Watching me fall asleep on the couch after ploughing through a bottle of wine, then going to work hiding a hangover? Not very […]

Why Alcohol Gives You More Of What You Don’t Want

Why do you drink? What benefit or service are you hoping alcohol will deliver? The answers to these questions look different for different people. But there’s one thing I can say for sure: No matter what problem you’re trying to mask or fix, alcohol will always ensure you end up with MORE of what you […]

Are You Taking Care Of Your Basic Human Needs?

When I coach women to quit drinking, the topics I love the most are mindset and thought work. There’s so much deep stuff in there to explore. But before we get to that, I always spend some time making sure they’re getting the basics right. We all have some basic human needs that must be […]

Alcohol: The Drug That Claims To Do Everything

In my drinking days, I used to open a bottle for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes I’d drink because I wanted to feel less stressed. At other times I’d knock back a glass to help pep me up and get me into party mode. And then there were the days I drank to chill out […]

It’s Not Me, It’s You: Breaking Up With Booze

If you’re reading this, I suspect you’re in a serious, long-term relationship with alcohol. ​Or perhaps you’ve recently separated? Or are on a break? Or maybe you eventually agreed to go your separate ways, only to keep hooking up at weekends? ​As the song goes, breaking up is hard to do. ​If you’re trying to […]

Stop Telling Yourself That Drinking Is The Easy Option!

One of my clients said to me the other day: “Pouring a drink is just so EASY. It’s the easy option after a bad day.” Can you relate? I can. I totally understand why she believed that to be true, because I remember feeling the same way. And at first glance, pouring a glass of […]

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