Kate's Blog

Alcohol free main-min
Alcohol-free? You’re In Very Good Company
Ever since I stopped drinking, I’ve been fascinated by the number of celebrities who are quietly sober. I’m not talking about people who are famous for stints in and out of rehab, or stars who’ve fought well-publicised battles with booze...
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Valentines main-min
Stop Romanticising Alcohol: 5 Valentine’s Day Tips
My local supermarket has stacked bottles of pink fizz near the entrance. The restaurant next door is offering a special, boozy dinner deal. And across the road, the florist is getting ready to deliver eye-wateringly expensive champagne...
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natural highs main-min
A Booze-Free Buzz: 4 Of The Best Natural Highs
I used to love the buzz I got from alcohol. I was hooked on the sugary rush those first few drinks delivered; they seemed to give me a boost. They made me feel good… for a while. When I was drinking, it was hard to imagine that anything else...
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control main-min
I quit for a month. That proves I'm in control, right?
Laura writes: “I struggled with my drinking last year and rarely went more than a few days without caving in. But after Christmas my husband and I decided we’d have a dry January - and to my surprise, I’ve stuck at it. I’m really proud...
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5 Tips for Sticking With Your Dry January Goals-min
5 Tips For Sticking With Your Dry January Goals
We’re two weeks into 2017 and you know what that means: it’s make or break time for your New Year’s resolutions. Statistically, this is the week when many of us will decide to give up on our goals. We all know what it's like...
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10 Tips For Surviving Your First Sober Christmas
If you’re newly sober - or trying to be - then the chances are, you find this time of year a bit stressful. There are parties to navigate, family pressures to deal with and lots of boozy marketing messages all over the place. When you're one of...
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Hangover Cures, The Festive Spirit (And A Few Big Fat Lies)
Christmas is just around the corner and we are officially in party season. I’ve noticed some magazines also call this time of year ‘hangover season’, which would explain the sudden rush of articles with headlines like...
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Fact vs Fiction: Is Alcohol Helping Me Cope With Stress?
“It’s been a stressful day. I want a drink!” We’ve all heard other people say they need a few drinks to unwind, and the chances are we’ve also said it ourselves. The idea of drinking away our stress is very well established in...
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How To Deal With People Who Want You To Keep Drinking
It can be really tough if your friends and family don't understand why you want to quit, or worse still, they try and convince you not to bother. In early sobriety, mastering alcohol-free living is challenging enough without the added...
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