Kate's Blog

What Kids Can Teach Us About Alcohol-Free Living
Here’s a quick question for you to ponder: would you ever give alcohol to a child? No? What if they were upset? Or needed cheering up? Or they were anxious about something? Or just a bit lonely? Still no? Phew. I thought that’s what...
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Fact vs Fiction: Does Booze-Free Mean Boring?
Before I stopped drinking, I thought I knew what alcohol-free living would be like. I was convinced that sobriety was going to be as boring as hell. Alcohol seemed to be the thing that made everything sparkle. It turned bad nights into...
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8 Things Normal Drinkers Don't Do
How often have you asked yourself, ‘Do I really need to stop drinking?’ Answering that question truthfully can be hard, especially when you desperately want the answer to be 'no'. When it comes to defining problem drinking...
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3 Things To Try When You’ve Lost Your Motivation
If you’ve ever gone through a phase where you feel like you’ve lost your motivation to do anything about your drinking then you’re not alone. Nearly all of us go through this at some point. One minute you’re full of enthusiasm...
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3 Fears main-min-2
3 Fears Keeping You Stuck (And How To Beat Them)
Fear is a bitch sometimes. It’s a natural instinct, something designed to keep us safe and help us survive. It can be a brilliant internal warning system. But when it comes to sobriety - a major lifestyle change, whichever way you look at it...
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ignore main-2-min
Why Do We Ignore The Dangers Of Drinking?
Imagine being prescribed a drug that had the following side effects: slurred speech, drowsiness, vomiting, headaches, memory loss, distorted vision, unconsciousness and blackouts. Now imagine there were other, long-term, health risks...
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Judged main-min
How To Get Over The Fear Of Being Judged By Others
When I tell people that I don't drink, they tend to look at me as though I've just revealed, very casually, that I eat children for breakfast. They're often shocked. Suspicious. A bit confused. There is nearly always a demand to know why...
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august main-min
Fancy An Alcohol-Free August? Here’s How To Stay On Track
It’s the start of a bright, shiny new month - the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and get back on track with your sober goals. I know that talking about quitting 'forever' is really intimidating. If there was one thing sure to...
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Holiday main-min
5 Tips For A Fabulous Alcohol-Free Holiday
When I first stopped drinking, something I really struggled to get my head around was the idea of not drinking on special occasions. Cutting out booze on a day-to-day basis was one thing, but staying sober for birthdays, weddings...
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