Kate's Blog

Sober Mum main-min
Why Kids Of All Ages Benefit From Having A Sober Mum
Have you seen that meme? The one that says, “The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink!” Motherhood can be tough, no matter what age your kids are. If you struggle to imagine parenthood without the reward of wine at the...
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Everyone else main-min
How To Be Sober When Everyone Else You Know Drinks
“I bet they make a big deal out of me not drinking…” “I feel as if I’m letting other people down… What if they think I’m boring?” If any of these thoughts sound familiar, you’re not alone. It can be tough to be the first person in your...
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Deserve main-min
“I Deserve A Glass Of Wine Tonight…”
As soon as the thought popped into my head, I knew I’d be in trouble. Back in my drinking days, “I deserve a glass of wine” was something I said to myself a lot. Bad day? Busy, bored or tired? I could always find a reason why I deserved a glass. (Only...
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Never Believed Main-min
I Never Believed I'd Be Able To Do This Sober!
What do airports, planes, holidays, restaurant meals and sunsets have in common? They’re all things I thought sobriety would ruin for me. Seriously. I never believed I’d be able to get through them without drinking. Or if I did somehow manage to resist,...
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Forever main-min
Stop Talking About Never, Ever Drinking Again!
Imagine meeting someone and instantly deciding that you want to spend the rest of your lives together… It doesn’t really happen, does it? (Apart from in the movies.) But that’s what so many women try to do with sobriety. One day they’re in a long-term...
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Taste main-min
Do You Genuinely Miss The Taste, Or Is It Something Else?
Picture this: You take a break from drinking and it goes OK… but you miss the taste of wine. Eventually you let yourself open one of your favourite bottles… Only to discover that it’s nothing like you remembered and doesn’t taste nice. WHAT?! So...
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Motivated main-min
Lost Your Motivation To Stay Sober? Try This.
We’re a month into the New Year. If you set a goal to quit drinking or take a break from booze… how’s it going? I know many people began 2024 feeling fired up and motivated, but January is a long old month 🥶 If you’re struggling with your...
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2023 Highlights Main-min
2023 In Review: Our Alcohol-Free Highlights Of The Year
“What’s been your alcohol-free highlight of the year? And is there a picture that sums up that moment, that you’re happy for me to share?” That’s the question I asked some of my Sober School students earlier this week....
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Does not work main-min
Alcohol Doesn't Really Work - Why You Deserve Better
Imagine buying something that you thought was going to make you feel less stressed, only to discover that it didn’t really work. Perhaps it distracted you for an hour or two, but then it woke you up in the early hours. And the next day you felt even...
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